
5th TRANSFORM General Assembly in Brno
15.-16. May

The TRANSFORM project held its 5th General Assembly meeting from 15 to 16 May 2024 ... more.

4th TRANSFORM General Assembly in Erlangen
10.-11. October

The TRANSFORM project held its 4th General Assembly meeting from 10 to 11 October 2023 ... more.

YESvGaN-TRANSFORM-PowerElec PhD summer school in Ghent
GaN and SiC power electronics: From basics to application
28.-30. August 2023

The YESvGaN-TRANSFORM-PowerElec PhD summer school took place on August 28-30, 2023 at University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. A great event fully booked with participants from industry and academia with lectures from experts at the forefront of this field. Thanks to all attendees, lecturers and particularly to University of Ghent for making this summer school a success and unforgettable event... more.

PCIM 2023 exhibition in Nuremberg
9.-11. May 2023

TRANSFORM presentation and showcase will be again available at the PCIM 2023 exhibition in Nuremberg at the Robert Bosch GmbH booth 7-109 ... more.

3rd TRANSFORM General Assembly in Catania
14.-15. February

The TRANSFORM project held its 3rd General Assembly meeting from 14 to 15 February 2023 ... more.

EFECS 2022 – European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems 24.-25. November 2022

The TRANSFORM project was represented at the EFECS2022 conference in Amsterdam with a poster at the partner booth IMA s.r.o. Institute of Microelectronic Applications ... more.

19th edition of ICSCRM in Davos
11.-16. September 2022

TRANSFORM was represented at ICSCRM 2022 with several contributions ... more.

2nd TRANSFORM General Assembly in Munich
18.-19. May 2022

The TRANSFORM project held its second General Assembly meeting from 18 to 19 May 2022 ... more.

PCIM 2022 exhibition in Nuremberg
10.-12. May 2022

TRANSFORM presentation and showcase will be available at the PCIM 2022 exhibition in Nuremberg at the Fraunhofer IISB booth 6-430.

EFECS 2021 – European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems

EFECS is the international forum with a focus on ‘Our Digital Future’ for a green and competitive Europe along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain in Europe. We have a virtual booth at EFECS 2021. Come and visit us @

TRANSFORM project was presented at the International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT 2021)
17.-19. November 2021

TRANSFORM was introduced and presented by partner STMicroelectronics (Filippo Di Giovanni) at the virtual AEIT 2021 conference session “Funded Projects and future in the frame of ECSEL for Automotive: Light­house projects”.

AEIT 2021 is aimed at an academic and industrial audience, professionals active in automotive, inclu­ding designers, manufacturers and users of technology, as well as analysts and investors interested in this sector in great development and of high social impact.